POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Using the official Win32 POV3.1g editor with the MegaPatch? : Re: Using the official Win32 POV3.1g editor with the MegaPatch? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 09:18:43 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Using the official Win32 POV3.1g editor with the MegaPatch?  
From: Matthew Bennett
Date: 14 Dec 1999 08:47:15
Message: <38564a63@news.povray.org>
Humm.. thanks for all your help - but when the cmax101.dll file is in the
same directory as the megapov.exe, or even if I simply copy the megapov.exe
into the /bin directory, I still get the older bugs :(

Perhaps it's not the codemax editor part itself that's causing the problem,
but some older code for some other part of the POV win32 GUI.

For example - a fix was made in later versions that meant the timer stopped
when you pause during a render.  When I run the official pvengine.exe, this
is the case - and no graphics glitches too (which I believe where fixed
around the same time as the timer).  However, when I run the megapov.exe (or
indeed the superpatch) the older GUI runs, complete with gfx glitchs and the
timer ~continues~ when a rendering is paused (showing it's an earlier

Any further ideas?  Could some of those who have kindly replied also see if
their timer stops during pausing too, when running patched POVs?

Thanks :)


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