POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : modeling programs : Re: modeling programs Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:37:43 EST (-0500)
  Re: modeling programs  
From: Jon A  Cruz
Date: 25 Nov 1999 14:21:08
Message: <383D8C6C.1B1E182A@geocities.com>
See wrote:

> Hi.
>      I just started exploring pov-ray and I was wondering what the best
> modeling program, as far as freeware goes, there is to download? Any help
> what-so-ever is more than welcome.
> Thanks,
> Missi
> You can also e-mail me at   gyp### [at] vampirehuntercom

Modelers are for wimps!!!!

code! code! code! code!

But seriously, try to go through the documentation and follow the examples.
There is so much more that can be done by hand that is hard to deal with in
modelers. There is a bit more of a learning curve, but then you don't have
as much to unlearn later.

"My new computer's got the clocks, it rocks
But it was obsolete before I opened the box" - W.A.Y.

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