POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Unofficial MultiPatch filter bug? : Unofficial MultiPatch filter bug? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:27:02 EST (-0500)
  Unofficial MultiPatch filter bug?  
From: Chris Huff
Date: 18 Nov 1999 15:43:30
Message: <383465A3.1D935446@compuserve.com>
>We tried it and we always get a correct image. The whole scene file we
used is included in this mail.<

I found out more about this problem, it only occurs when the pigment is
wrapped in a texture:
texture {
    pigment {color Green filter 1}
If only the pigment is used, the results are correct. Something being
mis-initialized somewhere? Also, this still only occurs when the version
is set to 3.1. I modified the demo file in your message to add the
texture, and the problem showed up there too.

>A little note: if you set the version in the source, the setting in the
prefs dialog will be overwritten. Thaugt we could better tell you, we
have been looking for a bug that wasn't there. ;-)<

Heh, I hadn't even noticed that setting. Thanks for telling me. :-)

>There was a problem but that has been fixed by Nathan in 6.1, we waited
for v6.1 to release our version. Are you sure you weren't working with a
version you compiled yourself?<

I am quite sure, because I haven't yet compiled your version, and the
interface in yours is quite distinct(better in many ways) from the
official version(and all of my modified versions, which are based on the
official version).

>If you can reproduce it again with the nov 17 version, please e-mail us
the complete source and a prefs file.<

I will try to get it downloaded and run a test.

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