> I exported to pov, but when I looked at the source code, there was over
> 5000 lines! And when I render, it takes a bit over two minutes to just
> parse the code.
> Is there anyway to reduce this time?
Get a copy of the superpatch and run a replace on the file in the editor
find: type 1
replace with: type 2
find: u_steps 3
replace with:
find: v_steps 3
replace with: accuracy .01
I forget what type sPatch uses by default or the u and v steps, but the
idea is to make the patches have
type 2
accuracy .01
and to remove the u and v steps. This type of bezier patch will parse very
quickly and the speed is comparable to a triangle mesh.
> Or, alternatively, get some sort
> of a preview so that I can try and place it all accurately?
Use a dummy object, like a cylinder, that is the same size as your chess
piece. Just check the size of the object in sPatch and have the cylinder
use about the same dimensions. When you have the right tranformations
simply replace the cylinder with the object you want to use.
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