POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Animation : Re: Animation Server Time
2 Nov 2024 11:22:56 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Animation  
From: Shawn Fumo
Date: 6 Nov 1999 21:54:52
Message: <3824EACA.29F0@the-spa.com>
> Ah, except that I think the Avi could be made with no compression and later
> the frames extracted to redo in another way.  Again, I have little to no
> experience with DTA32 and its Avi feature.

Of course in that case, the AVI file would likely be the same size as
all of the frames seperate anyways, unless you take into account the
overhead of an OS for storing multiple files.

If that was the case, an alternative might be to call out to add each
file into a zip file. Then when you were going to make a movie, you
could temp. uncompress them all, or you could then make a script to
unzip them one at a time and add to an animation. That way you would
still have the zip file to work with in case something goes wrong.

I personally use png files for the frames of an animation and then zip
them up into one file. Then I unzip and do any necessary conversions
when the time comes...

Shawn =)

P.S. Just as a note, I found Bumper to be an extremely handy program
when doing test renders of animations. If anyone is not familiar with
it, it will take a bunch of loose frames and play them out without
actually making a movie. I couldn't get the real frame rate with it on
my 100mhz (having to decompress png probably didn't help it any), but it
was great to preview.

sha### [at] the-spacom

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