POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : disappointed? : Re: disappointed? Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:10:00 EST (-0500)
  Re: disappointed?  
From: Steve
Date: 3 Nov 1999 07:39:45
Message: <38202772.D60C4A3C@ndirect.co.uk>
I d/l'd most of the images for voting, but was so
disapointed in the level of quality that I don't think I'll

There were some stunning images in the last round, but from
what I've seen so far, I can't say I'm interested any more. 

Marc Schimmler wrote:
> Well, I looked through the stills images of the horror round and I have
> to say that I had expected to see a higher level of quality. A few very
> good pictures showed up (I'm not saying which until the voting is over)
> but I have the feeling that the quality drops from round to round.
> Am I wrong?
> Did anyone use the full year for her or his image?
> Marc
> --
> Marc Schimmler

Steve              email mailto:sjl### [at] ndirectcouk

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