>Does this imply that development has stopped now ?<
No, just that I have completed it enough to bother releasing a runneable
version. I don't think there are any bugs left, but I am calling it a
beta version, just in case. :-)
>The reason I ask is that I have hesitated adding your patch to the
patch section of the links page until you have worked out the bugs
and have finished adding features. I feared if I were to list it too
early and others start compling it into their own executables they
might miss some later important changes. If you are nearing
completetion with it I will add you to the hall of records and advertize
it for you.<
I think it is fairly complete. If people have some good suggestions
about additional features and syntax, I will try to incorporate them,
but the only things I will be adding are bug fixes(if any are left),
possibly additional types of components(cone, box, torus...), and maybe
some more density functions(if I can figure out any more to add).
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