POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : POVRAY Animations - Fligh paths : Re: POVRAY Animations - Fligh paths Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:12:30 EST (-0500)
  Re: POVRAY Animations - Fligh paths  
From: Daniel Pirch
Date: 29 Oct 1999 15:39:42
Message: <3819f7fe@news.povray.org>
Josh English <eng### [at] spiritonecom> wrote in message
news:381### [at] spiritonecom...
> #local cx = c0.x*pow(m,3) + c1.x*c*pow(m,2) + c2.x*pow(c,2)*m +
> c3.x*pow(c,3);
> #local cy = c0.y*pow(m,3) + c1.y*c*pow(m,2) + c2.y*pow(c,2)*m +
> c3.y*pow(c,3);
> #local cz = c0.z*pow(m,3) + c1.z*c*pow(m,2) + c2.z*pow(c,2)*m +
> c3.z*pow(c,3);

I didn't try it, but wouldn't it also be possible to use the vectors
directly, like:

#local c = c0*pow(m,3) + c1*3*c*pow(m,2) + c2*3*pow(c,2)*m + c3*pow(c,3)
camera {location c ...}

AFAIK the slope at the beginning of the spline (at c0) is the same as the
slope of a line between the first two vectors (c0 and c1).

Daniel Pirch
dpi### [at] gmxnet

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