Mike <pov### [at] aolcom> wrote...
> Btw, what do you
> think about the idea of moving all the functions dealing with reflection
> and refraction to a seperate include file? I was thinking about that
> because all the new stuff is really making lighting.c hard to read.
> Perhaps if just a few choice functions were moved to a reflection.h it
> would make things easier to deal with.
Don't put functions in a header file. Headers should only have prototypes
and typedefs, not any code (well, except for inline stuff in C++, but we're
working with C).
I do agree that lighting.c is getting a bit bloated. Also, the stuff I gave
Ron with photon mapping and Daren's dispersion in the Refract code is really
messy... so feel free to clean it up. :-)
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