POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : First entry : First entry Server Time
5 Nov 2024 13:22:40 EST (-0500)
  First entry  
From: Peter Cracknell
Date: 31 Aug 1999 16:21:12
Message: <37cc3938@news.povray.org>
This is my first message, well question in here, (well suprise suprise this
is the newusers NG).  I've been playing around with the if statement, along
with trying to use blobs, how does this work exactly.  I've included the
file to show you, but no no avail am I getting anywhere.  Also if you take
away the blob line completely it should render.  The screen is split up into
four colours (well three and white), why are they so defined and not
gradual.  I'm sure the idea of C,S and T(an) is that whatever the number it
becomes a no between 0 and 1.  And so if multiplied by 255, should give the
colours?  Right doesent that mean the colours should fade between each
other?  Well anyway I hope you can help cos this is giving me a head ache.



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