J. Grimbert <jgr### [at] atos-groupcom> wrote:
: I finally made my first patch in POV:
: I added two patterns similar to the HEXAGON/CHECKER
: one that fills the x-y plane with squares, alterning four "colours"
At least this one is easy to achieve without needing to patch povray.
Something like:
#macro SquarePattern(pigm1,pigm2,pigm3,pigm4)
#local Row1=
{ gradient x pigment_map
{ [0 pigm1]
[.5 pigm1]
[.5 pigm2]
[1 pigm2]
#local Row2=
{ gradient x pigment_map
{ [0 pigm3]
[.5 pigm3]
[.5 pigm4]
[1 pigm4]
gradient y pigment_map
{ [0 Row1]
[.5 Row1]
[.5 Row2]
[1 Row2]
scale 2
#declare P1=pigment { rgb z }
#declare P2=pigment { marble turbulence .5 scale .3 }
#declare P3=pigment { granite scale .2 }
#declare P4=pigment { rgb y }
camera { location -z*5 look_at 0 }
{ -z,0
pigment { SquarePattern(P1,P2,P3,P4) translate -10 }
finish { ambient 1 }
My motto is: Why do something with an external program or patching
povray, if you can do it with povray itself without noticeable performance
: and another that fills the x-y plane with triangle, using six "colours".
This one is not as trivial as the previous one, but I'm sure it's also
possible with pigment_maps.
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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