On Wed, 18 Aug 1999 01:39:03 -0400, Mark Wagner wrote:
>When I render the following scene as a 512x384 image with the parameter +k
>of 0.54 or 0.86, or probably several other values, UVPOV 5.2 crashes with
>the error "UVPOV caused an invalid page fault in module UVPOV.EXE at
>015f:00442445." while rendering line 147 of the image. However, if any of
>the lines in the photons block in the global_settings is commented out, or
>if a value for +k less than 0.54 is used, this error does not occur.
It appears that photonOptions.numPhotons is zero when it goes to gather
photons. I've seen this once, too, but I attributed it to my inability to
write a proper scene file. I think this means that there's nothing for
your photons to hit, so they fly off into space and are never recorded.
Obviously it's a bug in UVPOV that this causes it to crash, but it's also
a bug in your scene file. Replacing your box with
plane { x, -5
texture {
pigment {color rgb 1}
finish {ambient .2 diffuse .5}
results in a scene that renders just fine. Hopefully Nathan can come
up with a brilliant fix that resolves the crash problem as well.
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