Sometimes the computed normals on edges that are meant to be sharp end up
being shaded causing extreme shading... I've had that problem a few times.
The way to get around it is to set a limiting angle at which it doesn't
computer a normal and makes it a flat triangle. (maybe)
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io175836 wrote in message <37B2E254.ED24CA0D@Student.IO.TUDelft.NL>...
>Hiya everbody
>I've created a complex smooth_triangle mesh with 90' corners in it. Wich
>worked perfectly fine exept for the fact that the mesh seems to darken
>at the edges of the mesh. I've tried every possible way of lighting it,
>but i can't seem to get rid of these patches.
>Why does this happen and how can you eliminate it?
>Maurits Dekker
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