POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Generating Gaussianly distributed numbers : Generating Gaussianly distributed numbers Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:22:02 EST (-0500)
  Generating Gaussianly distributed numbers  
From: Don Barron
Date: 11 Aug 1999 17:29:28
Message: <37b1eb38@news.povray.org>
Dear Colleagues,

Much of my work involves generating animated sequences and then degrading
the frames with noise and blurring functions to represent the camera noise
and  detector pixels and optics and movement.   POVRAY has an internal
random noise generator which generates values uniformly distributed in the
range 0 to 1 but electronic noise is Gaussianly distributed in the
range -inf to +inf with the familiar bell-shape.  The attached pov file
describes how to generate Gaussian noise using the "Boxmueller algorithm".

Yours sincerely,

Don Barron

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