POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Macro Question : Macro Question Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:10:34 EST (-0500)
  Macro Question  
From: David Heys
Date: 27 Sep 1999 16:53:32
Message: <37EFD3C7.FFA3FB3B@hotmail.com>
Hey guys,

As I've said in other posts, math is not my strong point. As such, the
concept of marcos gives me headaches. :{P

But, I'm willing to learn. Most examples I've seen don't seem to be
simple enough for me to grasp how I could put them to good use. So, when
I was working on my first attempt at creating a bush on my own, I
thought, "This may be a good way to get suggestions on using macros to
make things easier."

Can anyone take a peek at the following code and give me any suggestions
as to how/if macros might help make things run more smoothly/compactly?
BTW, I've posted an image of the bush on p.b.i.

global_settings {assumed_gamma 2.2}
global_settings { max_trace_level 20}

#include "colors.inc"

#declare Cm5=
 camera {
  location <30, 25, -45>
  direction <0, 0, 1>
  up  <0, 1, 0>
  right <4/3, 0, 0>
  look_at <0, 5, 10>

camera {Cm5}

light_source { <35, 30, -40> color rgb <0.9,0.3,0.3>
 area_light <32, 27, -37>, <38, 33, -43>, 2, 2
 fade_distance 75
 fade_power 30

light_source { <32, 33, -40> color rgb <0.3,0.9,0.3>
 area_light <29, 30, -37>, <35, 36, -43>, 2, 2
 fade_distance 75
 fade_power 30

light_source { <38, 33, -40> color rgb <0.3,0.3,0.9>
 area_light <35, 30, -37>, <41, 36, -43>, 2, 2
 fade_distance 75
 fade_power 30

#declare Rot1=0;
#declare Ytran1=0;
#declare Scaler1=1;
#declare R1=seed(8732);

#declare BR1=
 blob {
  threshold 0.65
  #while (Rot1 <=720)
   cylinder {<-0.5,0,0>,<0.5,0,0>,1,1
    translate rand(R1)*0.5
    scale Scaler1
    translate -0.5*z
    translate Ytran1*y
    rotate Rot1*y
   #declare Rot1=Rot1+10;
   #declare Ytran1=Ytran1+0.3;
   #declare Scaler1=Scaler1-(1/100);
  pigment {rgb<0.8,0.6,0.2>}
  finish {specular 0.4 roughness 0.007}

#declare BR2=
 union {
  blob {
   threshold 0.65

   #declare Rot1=0;
   #declare Ytran1=0;
   #declare Scaler1=1;
   #declare R1=seed(8732);
   #declare Counter1=1;
   #declare Ytran2=2;

   #while (Rot1 <=720)
    cylinder {<-0.5,0,0>,<0.5,0,0>,1,1
     translate rand(R1)*0.5
     scale Scaler1
     translate -0.5*z
     translate Ytran1*y
     rotate Rot1*y
    #declare Rot1=Rot1+10;
    #declare Ytran1=Ytran1+0.3;
    #declare Scaler1=Scaler1-(1/100);
   pigment {rgb<0.8,0.6,0.2>}
   finish {specular 0.4 roughness 0.007}

  #declare Rot1=0;
  #declare Rot2=0;
  #declare Ytran1=3;
  #declare Scaler1=1;
  #declare R1=seed(8732);

  #while (Rot1 <=720)
   triangle {<1,0.6,0>,<1,-0.6,0>,<3,0,0>
    pigment {green 1}
    rotate Rot2*x
    translate rand(R1)*0.5
    scale Scaler1
    translate -0.5*z
    translate Ytran1*y
    rotate Rot1*y
   triangle {<1,0.6,0>,<1,-0.6,0>,<3,0,0>
    pigment {green 1}
    rotate Rot2*x
    translate rand(R1)*0.5
    scale Scaler1
    translate -0.5*z
    translate Ytran1*y
    rotate -Rot1*y
   #declare Rot1=Rot1+30;
   #declare Rot2=Rot2+30;
   #declare Ytran1=Ytran1+0.65;
   #declare Scaler1=Scaler1-(1/100);

#declare Counter1=1;
#declare Ytran2=5;
#declare Scaler2=0.75;
#declare Rotater1=55;
#declare Rotater2=0;

#declare BR3=
 union {
  object {BR1 rotate 90*y}
  #while (Counter1 <= 4)
   object {BR2 scale Scaler2 rotate Rotater1*x translate Ytran2*y rotate
   object {BR2 scale Scaler2 rotate Rotater1*x translate Ytran2*y rotate
   object {BR2 scale Scaler2 rotate Rotater1*x translate Ytran2*y rotate
   #declare Counter1=Counter1+1;
   #declare Ytran2=Ytran2+4;
   #declare Scaler2=Scaler2-0.2;
   #declare Rotater1=Rotater1-7;
   #declare Rotater2=Rotater2-15;

#declare Counter1=1;
#declare Ytran2=5;
#declare Scaler2=0.75;
#declare Rotater1=55;
#declare Rotater2=0;

#declare BR4=
 union {
  object {BR1 rotate 90*y}
  #while (Counter1 <= 4)
   object {BR3 scale Scaler2 rotate Rotater1*x translate Ytran2*y rotate
   object {BR3 scale Scaler2 rotate Rotater1*x translate Ytran2*y rotate
   object {BR3 scale Scaler2 rotate Rotater1*x translate Ytran2*y rotate
   #declare Counter1=Counter1+1;
   #declare Ytran2=Ytran2+4;
   #declare Scaler2=Scaler2-0.2;
   #declare Rotater1=Rotater1-7;
   #declare Rotater2=Rotater2-15;

// bush
object {BR4 scale 1.5}

// floor
plane {y,0
 pigment {
  color_map {
   [0.00 rgb<0.8,0.76,0.6>]
   [0.35 rgb<0.8,0.76,0.6>]
   [0.50 rgb<0.45,0.45,0.45>]
   [0.65 rgb<0.8,0.76,0.6>]
   [1.00 rgb<0.8,0.76,0.6>]
  scale 15

// mirrored backdrop
cylinder {<0,-10,0>,<0,500,0>,60
 clipped_by {box{<-80,-20,80>,<80,600,0>}}
 scale <2,1,1>
 texture {
  pigment {rgb 0}
  finish {specular 0.3 roughness 0.003 reflection 0.995}

// floor molding at edge of backdrop
torus {60,5
 clipped_by {box{<-80,-20,80>,<80,600,0>}}
 scale <2,1,1>
 texture {
  pigment {rgb<0.8,0.49,0.19>}
  normal {granite 0.3 turbulence 0.7 scale 10}
  finish {specular 0.8 roughness 0.003 brilliance 32 ambient 0.2 diffuse
0.9 reflection 0.8}

// black cylinder behind camera
cylinder {<0,-10,0>,<0,500,0>,60
 clipped_by {box{<-80,-20,-80>,<80,600,0>}}
 scale <2,1,1>
 pigment {rgb 0}


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