POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : pigment type : Re: pigment type Server Time
5 Nov 2024 13:23:21 EST (-0500)
  Re: pigment type  
From: Ken
Date: 3 Sep 1999 05:28:09
Message: <37CF9459.AAAC70B9@pacbell.net>
Sander wrote:
> Hello,
> recently I get the message "no pgment type given" when I use materials - I
> have no idea what to do about it or where to look for bad progrtamming. The
> help on the scene language doesn't help me either. Help!
> Sander

If your scene is a small one post the code you are having problems with.
If it is a big scene try to isolate which part of the scene is causing the
warning by commenting out sections at a time and then post the code that
is causing the error. We can then help you isolate which object is causing
the problem. It usualy occurs when you are creating objects with CSG
operations and forget to attach a pigment to one of them. Sometimes they
are easy to locate and other times they can hide rather effectively. I've
been using the program for few years now and still get that warning on

For example this should cause a warning like you are seeing:

intersection {
      sphere { <0,0,0>,1 pigment { rgb 1 }}
       plane { y,0 }

As you can see the plane has no pigment so the parser issues a no pigment
warning. You could get around this by specifying a pigment for both objects
or even more effeciently by adding a pigment to the intersection instead.


intersection {
    sphere { <0,0,0>,1 }
     plane { y,0       }
   pigment { rgb 1     }

Ken Tyler

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