POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : how do i get on the up and up with color? : Re: how do i get on the up and up with color? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:19:26 EDT (-0400)
  Re: how do i get on the up and up with color?  
From: Margus Ramst
Date: 10 Aug 1999 20:06:57
Message: <37B0BEA2.8CA57F86@peak.edu.ee>
I suggest you use this interpolation macro, it's very flexible:

//GC - global current
//GS - global start
//GE - global end
//TS - target start
//TE - target end
//EXP - interpolation exponent (linear, cubic etc.)

#macro Interpolate(GC,GS,GE,TS,TE,EXP)

Do something like this:

#declare StartColor=<1,1,0>;
#declare EndColor=<0,1,0>;
#declare N=10;
#declare C=0;

    sphere{y*C, 0.5
           pigment{rgb Interpolate(C,0,N,StartColor,EndColor,1)}
    #declare C=C+1;

Here, pigment changes from StartColor to EndColor as C changes from 0 to N. The
final parameter is 1, meaning linear interpolation.
I use this macro extensively, even though this particular example could be
achieved more efficiently.


Noah A wrote:
> i'm using a while statment to make a bunch of "things" as they rise on
> the y access i'd like them to incease certain colors. how would i use an
> array to do this?

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