POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : rotation vectors ?? : Re: rotation vectors ?? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:52:19 EST (-0500)
  Re: rotation vectors ??  
From: Matt Giwer
Date: 10 Aug 1999 08:21:47
Message: <37B01968.CE971942@giwersworld.org>
MR wrote:

> how does a rotation vector work?  i have no problem with
> a simple degree rotation around an axis, such as:

	The rotation vector is in degrees. They rotate in the order of
appearance, first X then Y then Z. You can have multiple vectors
if you want to rotate them in a different order such as <0,Y,0>
<0,0,Z> <X,0,0> That will rotate in Y Z X order. 

> box { <0,0,0>, <1,1,1> rotate y*180}
> thats a half-circle rotation around the y axis... but what is
> this:
> box { <0,0,0>,<1,1,1> rotate <0,1,0> }

	That is a one degree rotation around Y that you most likely can
not see on the rendering. 

> i tried various values, and i couldn't get a good feel for what
> it does... it doesn't appear to be a simple rotation around
> the y axis in radians....  i substituted pi for the 1 and didn't
> get a 180 degree rotation.

	Since a box is 90 degree symetric, play with 30 and 45 degrees
to see the results. 



Finally up on 99/06/22 updated 07/13

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