POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : starfield anti-aliasing problem : Photoshop tip (was: Re: starfield anti-aliasing problem Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:10:14 EST (-0500)
  Photoshop tip (was: Re: starfield anti-aliasing problem  
From: Xplo Eristotle
Date: 3 Aug 1999 20:30:50
Message: <37A789D6.6393@unforgettable.com>
Duke Nukem wrote:
> Thanks RIck! The resampling worked great. I render at an even multiple
> of my final resolution. In my case 1024x768 for a final of 512x384. I
> use Photoshop to knock it down and it looks great. I compared the
> result to 512x384 AA and I couldn't tell the difference. The stars are
> still a little dimmer, but at least they are clearly visible.

If you're using Photoshop 4 or later, then after you antialias an image
through resampling like this, apply Sharpen once and then cut the filter
back to about 25-50% (depends on the image, experiment for best
results). That's just about enough to make your image look really crisp
without it being too sharp; it'd probably have brightened up those stars
a little bit as well.


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