POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Infinite cones : Re: Infinite cones Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:20:45 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Infinite cones  
From: Gilles Tran
Date: 20 Jul 1999 08:54:41
Message: <3794724B.5BE5C2BB@inapg.inra.fr>
It's very strange in fact. Sometimes it also happens when the difference between top
and base is not so small (and doesn't happen when there's no difference). In fact,
it seems that even when pov doesn't say they're are "infinite" some cones render
very slowly under certain circumstances, as if POV would consider them as very large
for some of its calculations.
After Nieminen's suggestion, manual bounding of the cones removes the problem so at
least there's a possible workaround to investigate.
Of course, this is a problem only when there are many (hundred) cones like this in a
scene so maybe it's not worth reporting as a bug.


Remco de Korte wrote:

> It obviously has something to do with the small difference between the base and
> the top of the slow cones. The difference here is more or less redundant. I
> changed them into cylinders and it rendered fast and seamless.
> I don't know what the actual cause is, it's somewhere in the code, but assuming
> you don't want to make a patch for this I guess there's not much more you can do
> then adapt your scene-code or sit and wait.
> Regards,
> Remco

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