POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.macintosh : Re: Layered texture problem : Re: Layered texture problem Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:21:56 EST (-0500)
  Re: Layered texture problem  
From: Ken
Date: 18 Jul 1999 06:03:15
Message: <3791A5F1.5AB2B0CA@pacbell.net>
Xplo Eristotle wrote:

> (BTW, thanks to Ken for his advice as well. I was trying to keep the
> number of variables affecting the sand's brightness to a minimum,
> though.. at the speed this thing runs, I can't afford to try to tweak
> half a dozen variables. By the time I'd be done, people would be tossing
> better Macs than mine in dumpsters. ^_- )
> -Xplo

  If you a concerned about time maybe you shouldn't be raytracing :)

Seriously the few minor adjustments I made to your Hf code added little
to nothing extra to the render time. Add to that the fact that they
give you better control over your textures they should not be dismissed
out of hand. Adding reflection, phong and specular highlights, and
things like area lights are what really add greatly to render times and
not the simple ambient and diffuse settings I threw in there.

Ken Tyler

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