On Sun, 11 Jul 1999 06:45:38 -0400, Matt Giwer <mgi### [at] giwersworldorg>
>Since there is no such thing as a Windows patch for us lowly
>users, simply calling it a Windows patch would get more interest,
>at least curiosity.
Hi, Matt. Referring to it as a Windows patch would be incorrect as the
source should be able to compile under any platform for which there is a
version of POV-Ray. It just so happens that Nathan builds executables to run
under Windows. Others are free to obtain the source from Nathan's web page
to compile UVPov or the photon patch (a misnomer since their is more to
Nathan's patch than simply photons) for their operating system of choice.
My own perception of the use of the word 'patch' is that it first denotes
source code (usually C, regarding POV-Ray), and only secondly an unofficial
modified executable.
While I currently run the Windows as my operating system, as do many other
people who use POV-Ray, it is the wish of the POV-Team to implement patched
modifications to the core rendering engine that are cross-platform and not
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