POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Why povray? : Re: Why povray? Server Time
5 Nov 2024 15:51:11 EST (-0500)
  Re: Why povray?  
From: Nieminen Mika
Date: 12 Jul 1999 10:34:34
Message: <3789fcfa@news.povray.org>
As someone already answered, you are a little bit confused.
  It's like saying "why do you use paper when it's much more easy to write
with a pencil?". It doesn't make sense.
  They are different tools. You can write _with_ a pencil and you can
write _on_ paper. You can't write _with_ a paper or _on_ a pencil (well,
strictly speaking you can, but it's not very normal...).
  You can't compare 3DStudio and POV-Ray as a modeller because POV-Ray is
not a modeller. It's like comparing the pencil and the paper as an instrument
which is used to write.
  If you had compared, for example, 3DStudio and Moray, that would have been
more reasonable.

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