POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Bug in photon patch? : Bug in photon patch? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:25:06 EDT (-0400)
  Bug in photon patch?  
From: Nieminen Mika
Date: 7 Jul 1999 01:33:04
Message: <3782e690@news.povray.org>
Why the caustics is red? Is it a bug or what?
  Sorry about the size of the example, but I couldn't get it any smaller.

  (The scene uses photons.inc described in my previous article)


#declare phd=3;
#include "photons.inc"

global_settings { max_trace_level 7 }

camera { location -z*30+y*5 look_at x*2 angle 35 }
light_source { -x*200+y*100, 1 spotlight point_at 0 radius 2 falloff 3 }
light_source { <100,60,-200>, .4 Photons(no,no,no) }

plane { y,-6 pigment { checker rgb 1, rgb .7 scale 10 } }
plane { -z,-60 pigment { checker rgb 1, rgb .7 scale 10 } }
{ cylinder { -y*5, -y*6, 2.8 }
  cylinder { -y*5.5, -y*6, 3.5 }
  pigment { rgb <1,.8,.2> }

{ difference
  { cylinder { -y*4.9999, y*5, 2.5 }
    { cylinder { -y*4, y*5.01, 2 }
      torus { 1.5, .5 translate -y*4 }
      cylinder { -y*3, -y*4.5, 1.5 }
  torus { 2.25, .25 translate y*5 }
  pigment { rgbf <1,1,1,.95> }
  finish { phong .5 reflection .2 }
  interior { ior 1.5 }

{ cylinder { -y*4, y*4.00001, 2.00001 }
  torus { 1.5, .50001 translate -y*4.00001 }
  cylinder { -y*3, -y*4.50001, 1.5 }
  pigment { rgbf <.9,1,1,.9> }
  finish { phong .5 reflection .1 }
  interior { ior 1.33 }


):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/

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