Jon A. Cruz wrote in message <37804E36.2EA8E43E@geocities.com>...
>Ken wrote:
>> "Jon A. Cruz" wrote:
>> >
>> > Ken wrote:
>> >
>> > > You mean like a chicken with lips, or maybe a horse with feathers or
>> > > how about me indenting my pov script. That kind of unbelievable ?
>> >
>> > So, Ken.
>> > Are you by chance a Klingon programmer?
>> I have never alluded to being any type of programmer. I am a Pov-Ray
>> user and nothing more save clever and resourceful.
>From "Top 12 things likely to be overheard if you had a Klingon Programmer"
>9) "Indentation?! - I will show you how to indent when I indent your
>For some reason, the first time I read that, I thought immediately of Ken.
Could you please toss a copy of those twelve my way. Would look
great above my computer at work.
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