POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : hollow my arse : Re: hollow my arse Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:24:37 EDT (-0400)
  Re: hollow my arse  
From: Alex Vandiver
Date: 5 Jul 1999 11:05:35
Message: <3780C9A6.29063152@tiac.net>
>   You have to understand what inside and outside are before you can make
> their difference:

Yes, I know.  T'was meant to be a joke; a literal interpretation of your
Slightly more on topic, why does POV consider a light_source to be a 'patch
object' in the following code, when it complains about 'cannot invert a patch
object'?  Because it just happens to be lumped with the list of things that
don't have inverses, which happen to mostly be patches?
// POV warns about 'cannot invert a patch object' on the second line.
#declare ls = light_source {<2,3,4>,rgb 1}
object {ls inverse}
-Alex V.

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