POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Newbie with animation Problem : Re: Newbie with animation Problem Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:00:54 EST (-0500)
  Re: Newbie with animation Problem  
From: Steve
Date: 3 Jul 1999 14:14:17
Message: <377E5451.2A83A0@puzzlecraft.com>
This won't help with the math question, but I have an online tutorial
"Advanced POV-Ray Animation for Beginners" that describes how to do an
animation like this using a bezier_spline as the camera path. It's located at



"siegfried.guendisch" wrote:

> "PreScript":The whole .pov-file is Included below!!
> (Attention:this is rather a long text!!excuse my horrible english please)
> Here is my Problem:
> I want to have an object that is in the middle of a Room or something,
> rendered so that after rendering it would seem as if the camera would

> I tried to solve it "trigonometricaly" that means I translated the value
> for the X-axis with cos(a)*r .(the "(a)" for alpha and "r" for the radiant.
> Normaly , as expecting the camera should move counterclockwise in the
> trail of the circle described through cos(a) and sin(a).
> But astonishingly the camera (and also the viewpoint) jumped in
> zigzag across the Image.
> I wanted to proof  if I done well with my mathematics and wrote a little
> programm in "C" and don't wonder it didn't work either.

> from 0-100 frames) 2.sin(a) 3.cos(a) 4.sin(a)*r 5.cos(a)*r.
> The problem revealed just in the second row where the "prog" calculated
> the value for sin(a) {I used sin(360*clock).Instead of receiving a value
> near to zero (~0.008) I got -0.44. Now I do not know if it was my fault
> or if there is technical problem.
> Anybody a hint or solution?
> #version 3.0
> global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
> #include "colors.inc"
> #include "textures.inc"
> #declare r=70;          file://this is the radiant off the circle
> #declare a=360*clock;  // clock statement for circular movement
> // #declare si=sin(a)     // achieved trough sin(a)*r for the "Y-axis"
> // #declare co=cos(a)     // and "cos(a)*r for the "X-axis"
> // #declare x_=co*r        this seemed to be one possibility
> // #declare y_=si*r        the other one is directly "built-in"
> camera {
>   location <0, 40, -70>
>   translate<cos(a)*r, 0, sin(a)*r>
>   look_at <0, 18, 0>
>     }
> light_source { <-40, 100, -100> color rgb 1}
> light_source { <40, 100, -100> color rgb 1 }
> plane { y,0 pigment { Plum }}
> box {
>   <-10, 0, 10>
>   <10, 30, -10>
>   pigment { checker color White color Black }
>   }
> sphere {
>   <0, 30, 0>,5
>   pigment { color Yellow }
>   }

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