POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : writing new "object type" : Re: a 2D question... Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:38:13 EST (-0500)
  Re: a 2D question...  
From: Ken
Date: 24 Jun 1999 18:59:51
Message: <3772B8B6.A6BAD699@pacbell.net>
Stewart #7 wrote:
>   Is there a way to use POV's features without going fully 3D ?
>   I know there is a "plane" feature... but Im looking for a way to
> include totally 2D stuff in the 3D rendering... like...stuck on
> labels or menu boxes.

  A little work with the scale function will flatten almost any object
you can make into a near 2d object. A box can even be specified as
a 2d object if your interested.

box {<-1,-1,0>,<1,1,0>}

A cone can be scale near flat like so

cone{<0,0,0>,1,<0,1,0>,0 scale <1,1,.001>}

  Other objects can be specified in a similar fashion to achieve
your "2D" objects.

  I am not saying that using the scale function is the perfect solution
but it does come close enough for the kind of work I do :)

Ken Tyler


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