POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : checkered plane not looking as (I) expected : Re: checkered plane not looking as (I) expected Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:59:32 EST (-0500)
  Re: checkered plane not looking as (I) expected  
From: Bob
Date: 21 Jun 1999 00:35:58
Message: <376DC12C.D49E9657@aol.com>
You are right sir. Even image_maps fill all the space of an object in the direction or
orientation they are applied. And when scaling rotating translating is done it is
applied when and where it is put, meaning you can put these keywords into the object
alone, the texture alone, pigment alone, etcetera, or any combination thereof. The
you apply these is where it gets done and the order they are applied within the
statements will effect them in that order. You can not always put such transformations
anywhere at will either; for instance, if 'scale' were placed before any relavant
parameters for a primitive or predefined object inside a object statement it will
generate an error.

Guido Heer wrote:
> Ok, got it. I have to put my texture onto (into?) my object BEFORE
> rotating and scaling it because this is the only way to guarantee the
> texture's correct orientation relative to the object. When I rotate both
> in common the patches/stripes on the object don't change their position.
> Correct?

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