POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : smooth triangle Normal : smooth triangle Normal Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:25:27 EDT (-0400)
  smooth triangle Normal  
From: Phil Clute
Date: 9 Jun 1999 01:00:46
Message: <375DF68F.2E0443E8@tiac.net>
From the DOCs:
"The smooth triangles use a formula called Phong normal interpolation to
calculate the surface normal for any point on the triangle based on
normal vectors which you define for the three corners." 

I'm curious as to what the "Phong normal interpolation" formula is.

Actually I guess my real question is: 
In a smooth_triangle you have a 'surface normal' vector. What is
the NORMAL normal for each vertex? I really have no idea how to use this 
I want to be able to average any given number of smooth_triangles who
a vertex at the same vector location, .ie (please excuse my ascii art) 
     \    /\     I want to average a,b and c's normals together
      \  /  \    a smooth transition but I'm not sure what would be
     a \/c___\   the correct starting point.
      b \    /
         \  /

...coffee?...yes please! extra sugar,extra cream...Thank you.

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