POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : How to distribute points equally on sqhere surface? : Re: How to distribute points equally on sqhere surface? Server Time
6 Mar 2025 22:21:38 EST (-0500)
  Re: How to distribute points equally on sqhere surface?  
From: Ralf Muschall
Date: 2 Jun 1999 23:59:59
Message: <3755EF79.7467C638@t-online.de>
Anders Haglund wrote:

> > Of course, the solution is easy for n = 1(trivial), 2(line),
> > 3(traingle), 4(tetrahedron), 6(octahedron), 8(cube) and some more. I
> > also checked http://www.cris.com/~rjbono/html/domes.html , but geodesic
> > domes always have a "magic" number of corners.

The "optimal" solution for n=8 is not the cube, but a pair of
parallel squares rotated by 45 degrees (which is probably what
Anders means). The first thing Peter would have to decide is whether
he wants something which looks regular (e.g. platonic solids), or
something which has optimally distributed points (with respect to some
repulsive force).

The general solution to the former is probably to start with
one of the 5 platonic solids and regularly subdivide the faces
(this gives geodesic domes).
The latter requires numeric optimization (I'd say one should use
a rather complicated method, since povray is much slower than C).

> dodecaedron(20 sides). On a cube, for example, the points are not equaly
I guess you mean the icosahedron here (a dodecahedron has 12


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