POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : An Object outside the skysphere : Re: An Object outside the skysphere Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:40:48 EST (-0500)
  Re: An Object outside the skysphere  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 1 Jun 1999 21:20:28
Message: <375478B1.23F951B9@aol.com>
Sure. And using gif would also allow for clear places too, if so desired.
The 'once' keyword has no effect on map_type 1 (spherical), it is always
once. You may have to place your image into a much larger image having a
blank background and make it's palette index transmit 1. You will need to
use a color not in your image of course. Then just rotate and scale the
sphere until you have it in the background of your scene correctly. This
will also require the spheres center to be where the camera is to not have
Put a scale -x in the pigment statement contaning the image_map too so it
will be mirrored correctly.

Diane Duane wrote:
> This leads into something I was going to inquire about.  If you set up a
> "substitute skysphere" like this, is it possible to image_map a .gif
> file onto the inside of it?  (Just once.  I want this particular image
> to appear in b.g. of the scene.)

 omniVERSE: beyond the universe

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