POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : POV 3.5 ideas : POV 3.5 ideas Server Time
14 Nov 2024 17:12:43 EST (-0500)
  POV 3.5 ideas  
From: Chris Huff
Date: 27 May 1999 17:42:01
Message: <374DAEED.D03C1587@compuserve.com>
Just thought I would put some of my ideas for POV-Ray 3.5 down, any
suggestions? Have the final features of this version been decided yet?

Definitely needs a double_illuminate keyword, so you can make both sides
of a surface be illuminated.

There should be an internal_reflection keyword, to toggle whether the
inside of an object reflects. This could be used with a clipped plane to
make one-way mirrors.

The unlimited light option would be nice, as I understand it, this light
won't fade when it passes through media, but will still interact with

And of course, angle dependant reflection(maybe refraction too?),
blurred reflection and refraction, and even though I have heard it is
not planned, Photon Mapping! It should probably only be added as an
"experimental feature" like atmosphere and halo were.

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