POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : starfield anti-aliasing problem : Re: starfield anti-aliasing problem Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:40:13 EST (-0500)
  Re: starfield anti-aliasing problem  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 23 May 1999 10:58:26
Message: <37480974.32DCDE84@aol.com>
Peter Popov wrote:
> On Sun, 23 May 1999 08:21:04 GMT, non### [at] yobidness (Duke Nukem) wrote:
> >Here's my problem. I'm working on a space scene. It's all done, and I
> >want to use AA to make the ship look good. But, when I do that, the
> >starfield in the background virtually disappears. I can barely see the
> >stars, they're real dim because of the blending of AA. I tried
> >pre-rendering the background and using an image map, but it has no
> >effect. I'm using the stars.inc file included with POV (starfield1 to
> >be precise). Does anyone have any ideas how I can use AA, but still
> >make my stars look as good as they do without it? Or, am I stuck with
> >just not using AA? Thanks in advance.
> >
> >Scott Holland
> AA screws starfields up because it takes several samples per pixels
> and averages them to get the final pixel color, whereas only one or
> two of these sample rays will hit a "star" (either texture or object).
> So at +r3 stars usuallly get 1/9 or 2/9 or max 1/3 of their intended
> brightness. The solution is to color the stars using a high value of
> white like White*4.5, for example.
> ---------
> Peter Popov
> ICQ: 15002700

Yeah, that's a good solution. I use it all the time. Dropping the AA Depth
lesser is possible too, just not very good for the rest of the render. I
like the super intensity option best along with a increase in sizes of the
star pixel areas. Still, there's always the Alpha Channel masking method
too, just need to try it myself to see how it does.

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