While making some pieces of wood with different colours, using random, I ran
into a problem.
Run the scene below.
The first number from the random stream ia always 0.118 .
Now comment out "#declare XX = ....." , "#debug concat(....." and in the the
first pigment replace XX by "Rmm(0.1,0.5,Sd)".
Run the scene again.
Why are the colours different?
Met dank aan de muze met het glazen oog.
#version 3.1; global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
light_source {<500, 500,-500> rgb 1}
camera {location<0, 1.6, -5.0> look_at<0,0,0>}
#declare Sd=seed(7)
#macro Rmm(Min,Max,Stream)
#end //macro
#declare XX= Rmm(0.1,0.5,Sd)
#debug concat("\n XX= ",str(XX,3,3))
#declare Wood= texture {
pigment {rgb <0.50,0.10,0.08>*XX}
texture {
pigment {
scale 0.05
color_map {
[0,rgbf <0.5,0.4,0.4,0.2>*0.5]
[1,rgbf <0.5,0.4,0.4,0.7>*0.5]
box {-1,1 texture {Wood}}
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