POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : knowledge extraction from povray : Re: knowledge extraction from povray Server Time
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  Re: knowledge extraction from povray  
From: ingo
Date: 15 May 1999 16:09:35
Message: <373dc66f.0@news.povray.org>
Hassoun heeft geschreven in bericht <373CDAD3.6BEABE13@sympatico.ca>...
> ....
>pov objects are created using descriptions of their shapes, position,
>rotation and scale in space, and their surface properties. these
>descriptions can be parametrized (if i can use the verb) in order to
>make the object generic, and relate it to others thus have knowledge in
>e.g. the diameter of a greek doric column is equal to the tenth (1/10)
>of its height.
>a povray file contains specifications of architectural objects, and
>knowledge extraction (the approach i hope to develop) is to find a way
>to extract all the knowledge (principles, concepts and rules) in this
>file and synthesize it to produce clear definitions of the objects
>contained within. (maybe using C or C++ algorithms, or LISP, or any
>other suitable programming language)

This is interesting, though I have the feeling the POV scene description is very
suitable for this. You need a very strikt way of writing your scene to be able
to extract. And for writing a good scene, you allready need to have (parts of)
the knowledge you are looking for, as you illustrated in your own example.

A different approach could be using XML, write your own Architectural Markup
Language. With this write documents that contain the structure, dimensions and
positions of your architectural objects (kindoff making a database). From these
documents knowledge can easy be extracted. You could even write a conversion
tool that makes a POV scene based on your document. There is lots of information
and free software (mostly Java, Perl) for XML on the net.

I'm intersted in the results you get,


Met dank aan de muze met het glazen oog.

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