POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : POV+for() : Re: POV+for() Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:21:36 EDT (-0400)
  Re: POV+for()  
From: TonyB
Date: 6 May 1999 08:42:23
Message: <373162A0.368244F@panama.phoenix.net>
> The ++ is called the increment operator.
> The -- is called the decrement operator.
> I don't see a burning need for these since they just add or subtract
> one from the variable.

I see them as helpful in speeding up the parsing. Less text = less
parsing (no?)

> There may be a use for *= and other compound operators, but still the
> long version of what these accomplish gets the job done.

But it looks ugly.

> Regarding the for() loop, I usually just use this as an incrementing
> loop anyhow which can be accomplished with the while loop by adding
> an incrementer at the end. ie:

Your code was interesting, I've never done that. But still, the for would
look neater, and is easier to write, at least for me.

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