POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : A Simple Lamp Shade ? : Re: A Simple Lamp Shade ? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:07:16 EST (-0500)
  Re: A Simple Lamp Shade ?  
From: Julius Klatte
Date: 1 May 1999 10:31:34
Message: <372b0236.0@news.povray.org>
>Revloving around a
>conical circle is not as simple as it sounds and I would
appreciate any
>tips you may have.

Isn't it possible to define a somewhat rotated 'slab of
shade' and then translating/rotating it around the y-axis?
Something like this:

#declare Slab=box { <0,0,-0.1> , <0.01,1,0.1> rotate
<0,0,20> translate <2,0,0>  texture {...} }

#declare Precision=1;
#declare T=0;
#declare SinCount=0;
#while (T<360)
object { Slab translate <sin(SinCount),0,0> rotate y*T}
#declare SinCount=Sincount+pi/(8*Precision);
#declare T=T+1/Precision;

Haven't tested the code, but the idea should work...


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