POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Paging a Mr. Popov : Re: Paging a Mr. Popov Server Time
14 Nov 2024 21:14:02 EST (-0500)
  Re: Paging a Mr. Popov  
From: Peter Popov
Date: 29 Apr 1999 17:46:35
Message: <3728c292.5045462@news.povray.org>
On Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:43:16 -0500, Bob Hughes <inv### [at] aolcom>

>Just saw a CNN news story about a stray missile hitting a house in
>Sofia, Bulgaria. Looks like war is closer to Pov, er, Peter Popov than
>at first thought. Sorry to appear foolish here, just trying to be of
>good cheer.
>Prayers be with you Peter, where ever you are. Hoping you're okay.
>Tell us you're rendering a POV scene of that missile or something. From
>what the news said no one was at the house, fortunately.

I'm alright, thank you! Gee, you guys seem to know more about this
stuff than me! I've been studying all day for a exam in Control Theory
and haven't had the time to watch TV and/or listen to the radio.
Newspapers? Dad takes them to work. I learned about this event just
ten minutes ago, when I read today's email. I have a friend who now
lives in Austria; her grandparents live very close to where the
accident happened, so she was really out of her mind when she first
heard the news. All's well that ends well, and for now we've been
lucky, but I do hope this madness ends soon and ends well.

I've been silent recently for several reasons. First, I have a new and
bigger HD and spent quite some time installing Linux, reinstalling
Windows etc. Then my PC died (apparently some problem with the power
supply, so now there's one supply unit for the MB+CPU and one for all
peripherial devices :) ) and my brother and dad spent a few days
trying to bring it back from the dead. As of rendering a scene, I've
never ever done that. Objects, f/x, tests, yes. Scenes, no thank you.
I am no artist

Thanks again for showing concern. It's really nice of you.

All the best.

Peter Popov
ICQ: 15002700

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