On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 03:52:13 -0700, Ken <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> wrote:
> Attempting tonight to make a simple lamp shade I failed miserably.
>I'm trying to create a lamp shade of the type seen commonly in household
>settings. It is cone shaped but has a sine wave pleating as it's suface
>feature. I have been able to achieve a sine wave surface through various
>means but alas these where all in a flat pattern. Revloving around a
>conical circle is not as simple as it sounds and I would appreciate any
>tips you may have.
Go get my Jan/Feb IRTC Stills entry (borrow.zip) and make suitable
modifications to the bottle cap object. It's a bunch of patch objects,
so you get the added advantage of double illumination for your lampshade.
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