You're wishing for NURBS modelling I believe. Think this is actually
just fancy meshes. 'blob' is of a two-fold design being
attractive/repulsive and there are possible ways to add both, though
messy as heck and not always workable for complex things, especially
animated shapes I would think.
TonyB wrote:
> Yeah. I also want this. I have a project where I want to use blobs, but the
> darn blobs 'blob' with the wrong ones. It would be nice if you could for
> instance, declare blob element 1 as, say, A, and elements two and three as B
> and C. Then you could give an 'interactions' list. B for A, C for B and B
> for C, you see?
> (A)===(B)
> //
> (C)
> Forgive the crude ascii art.
omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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