Thanks Ron, this clarifys a lot.
Let me recapitulate to be sure I understood. Instead of imagining a Bpatch as a
set of triangles, it can be seen as a grid of bezier-splines. To stitch two
patches together you have to make sure that the controllpoints on each side of a
node are in one line (like making a smooth prism object with bezier spline).
So to make my object, I have to generate a few smooth "circular" bezier splines
and a set of smooth splines "standing upright". Make a cylindrical grid with
these splines in sutch a way that the endpoints of the spline segements
intersect (the O's in your ascii art). And so on for the X's and #'s. I'll have
a look at your inc file later tonight (bad connection:(
Met dank aan de muze met het glazen oog.
Ron Parker heeft geschreven in bericht <>...
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