POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : #Declare-ing objects : #Declare-ing objects Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:19:00 EST (-0500)
  #Declare-ing objects  
From: Michael
Date: 23 Apr 1999 15:20:11
Message: <3720B9C5.AAAB88E8@aol.com>
I've licked my last tootsie pop for a while.
So I've given thought to a new project:  I'm giving my mom a wishing
well for Mother's Day.
So I've been trying to get #declare and object...
here's my stuff so far:
//Begin Well test
  #declare Brick_1 = box { <0,0,0>,<1.5,1,3> }
  #include "colors.inc"
  camera {
    location <1, 2, -5>
    look_at  <0, 0,  0>
  object { Brick_1  pigment { Red } }
  light_source { <10,100,-10> color White  }
//End well test
Here's my problem.
The brick renders OK.  (I'm not worried about texture yet.)  I can't
figure out how to make it so that every brick is 1.5x1x3, and then
rotate it enough around a set size sphere, just to make it appear
Basically, all i need help with is the #declare and the object call.
Also, instead of having 15-20 object {Brick_1} calls with a different
translate/rotate in each one, is there a way to have just one object
call using variables, sort of a #declare Turn or something?  I've stared
at and read the help on this for over an hour and a half, now...
I do this to get rid of frustration, and end up frustrated at the
computer and myself... UGH.

Thanks for your help.

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