POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Amiga POV : Amiga POV Server Time
5 Nov 2024 18:24:25 EST (-0500)
  Amiga POV  
From: Brian's News
Date: 22 Apr 1999 05:27:17
Message: <371edd65.0@news.povray.org>
I have POVRAY for Windows on my PC, works fine!

I have an Amiga 2K and downloaded POVRay3.1 for that platform, cannot get it
to work using the GUI. Haven't tried the CLI it looks too complicated for my
level of experience. Trying to track down why it does work I utilised
SNOOPDOS which produces a file of all the actions and the results. This
program says that it is trying to load "Cybergraphics.library" and failed.
Guess what it doesn't exist on my computer. Tried to find it on the Aminet,
no luck. Tried Cybergraphics CV64-3D program expecting it to be part of
that. No luck.

Can anyone let me know if this is essential for POVRay3.1 using the GUI, if
so where can I get it?

Please EMail me at ble### [at] picknowlcomau


Brian Leach

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