POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Math help needed please. : Re: Math help needed please. Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:24:08 EST (-0500)
  Re: Math help needed please.  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 18 Apr 1999 22:33:41
Message: <371A87C9.59BD8717@aol.com>
Warning! I'm not a "Advanced User" I just play one on the home computer.

If I gather this right, sounds like you need a sin cos type thing for
the translation (one for x and one for y). However, why not just rotate
-clock*180*z while moving 1*x and use a math function on the scale y.
Without trying it out I don't know exactly what this would be.

sphere {
    scale <0.25,H,0.25> //H increases/decreases to keep touch with floor
    translate <-0.5,0,0>
   rotate -clock*180*z  translate clock*x
    texture { MyTexture }


    y, -1
    texture { MyTexture }

Sound about right anyone? Well, even close then?

 omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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