POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Advanced script, idea/help. : Re: Script, idea/help. Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:20:37 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Script, idea/help.  
From: Ken
Date: 18 Apr 1999 19:37:48
Message: <371A5D5B.861848D2@pacbell.net>
Spider wrote:
> look in povray.text.scene-files for an include.
> mail me or post here for help/tips.
> --
> //Spider
>         [ spi### [at] bahnhofse ]-[ http://www.bahnhof.se/~spider/ ]
> What I can do and what I could do, I just don't know anymore
>                 "Marian"
>         By: "Sisters Of Mercy"

1.) From what I can see from the first image you posted you have the makings
of a good recursive structure. It would be interesting to see if you could
expand on it to produce something in appearance to a coral branch matrix.
There are so many different type of coral I can't be more specific than that
but my first impression of the image was indeed coral more so than tree.

It's something to think about anyway and something I have not as yet seen
by any other artist.

2.)  I lack the background and ability for this next suggestion and
the recent flurry of activity in the tree production around here has
been amazing. One thing that has not yet been accomplished, and is in
my opinion, wide open territory for advancement in this category, is a
solution to making VERY large trees.

  The types I'm talking about are the type the Swiss Family Robinson's
built their tree house on, the 1200 year old live oaks seen in Great
Britain and the North American west coast regions, and the type you
typicaly see in storybooks that have cute little animals living inside
with a big front door at the base of the trunk. These types of trees
have massive limb structures that have little leaf coverage and the
smaller branches are quite few compared to the larger branches. Any
time I have tried to specify parameters, for a tree of this nature,
the current available include files don't seem able to cope with
branch sizes and branch splits on a scale large enough for realism.
They instead end up looking like a large round lump that has a whole
bunch of spiky things with leaves on them.

  This too is something to think about and is something I have not as
yet seen available in an easy to use include file. Obviously there is
a need for the smaller variety of trees as they are useful for gardens
and household landscaping but old growth forests like those seen in some
areas of Great Britain, Sherwood Forest for example, and other places
as well, require a much different tree type than those currently provided

  Before you mention it Johannes I realize that this is one of the tree
types you hade in mind when you developed your Tree Designer program.
I'm also interested in an internal solution for the production of trees
of this type.
  By the way I have seen your program appearing on several shareware sites
so your exposure appears to be increasing in that regard. Any idea as to how
many copies of it have been distributed to date ? Just curious.

Regards to all,

Ken Tyler


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