POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : saving pov pics : Re: saving pov pics Server Time
5 Nov 2024 18:26:35 EST (-0500)
  Re: saving pov pics  
From: ET
Date: 9 Apr 1999 05:40:55
Message: <370DBD43.1E2246A8@primus.com.au>
Yes, this might be the most often asked question - its probably got a
lot to do with no- one bothering to answer in straight precise English.
As a newcomer to this subject I do find it annoying that there seems to
be a pathetic lack of plain English explanations and clear simple
examples of what is quite a difficult, yet rewarding subject.

I asked this question myself recently and was rudely ignored - I will
now show that it is possilbe to give a simple, clear answer.
If part of it is wrong, I trust some of you might come down from your
ivory towers and give a dignified correction.

Your pov effort is saved automatically as either a BMP or TGA file.My
new povray is saving my efforts as bmp format in an "images" folder it
created when I installed povray.
This is, of course, a useless format for most people in this era.
If you want a gif , you need to  open the saved file using a graphics
editor, such as Paint shop Pro, and resave the file as a gif file, or as
a jpg file if you want higher quality.

That is what I know from my humble experience.I hope it helps.
At least it is more precise and less smart alecky than the link you were

Eero Tarik
South Australia........sunny..........max 24C........lovely...........

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