POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Font problem : Re: Font problem Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:43:49 EST (-0500)
  Re: Font problem  
From: Handler
Date: 29 Mar 1999 20:08:18
Message: <37002440.FEACD03D@taconic.net>
I have another solution and have used it a few times myself.  Using the Breeze
modeler create your 3d text.  Then export it to a pov file.  Now take a existing
include file (.INC) shell it out (empty the the contents and left the declare
section and the ending of the include in tact) then open your exported pov file in
word pad or something cut the text portion out and then paste into your include
shell.  You can then translate and scale the 3d text to where you want it.

Why this way?  Well .. the breeze model broke it down into triangles so the math is
all done.  And pov-ray just puts it all together.  Warning, if you use a complex
font breeze might hang up on you (the computer may freeze).  I don't know if its the
program or this dinosaur of a computer I have.  But it has worked for me!

Dave Handler aka Handler
han### [at] taconicnet

I Chuprov wrote:

> I have a font with only a number of characters defined.
> There's a character defined at 246.  Now I want to use this character in the
> text, but instead I get this rectangle shape.  I loaded the font up in character
> map, and it is there.
> How can I make pov-ray recognise this character, as it says that there is no
> character 246?
> Igor
> --
> Hinki's Place
> http://hinki.8m.com/
> Wild Planet
> http://wildplanet.8m.com/
> Fractalography
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