POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : The co-ordinate system : Re: The co-ordinate system Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:12:50 EST (-0500)
  Re: The co-ordinate system  
From: Andrew Cocker
Date: 21 Mar 1999 11:13:58
Message: <36f51ac6.0@news.povray.org>
A common mistake made by beginners is to translate first, and then rotate. You should
always design and orient your object correctly about the origin, and then translate it
where you want it.

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Y.Tanabe wrote in message <36F37E6C.8490C8AC@kh.rim.or.jp>...
>My name is Y.Tanabe
>I am using a standard.pov which has X,Y,Z coordinate with marker.
>Here is source
>// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer 3.1 Scene Description File
>#version 3.1;
>#include "colors.inc"
>#include "textures.inc"
>global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
>// Set a color of the background (sky)
>background { color red 0.1 green 0.3 blue 0.8 }
>    location   <0.0, 0.0, -12.0>
>    right       <4/3, 0.0, 0.0>
>    up          <0.0,1.0, 0.0>
>    direction  <0.0, 0.0,1.0>
>light_source { <200, 100, -300> colour White }
>light_source { <-200, 100, -300> colour White }
>#declare Xaxis =
>   <-1e6, 0, 0>, <1e6, 0, 0>, 0.05
>   pigment
>   {
>      gradient x
>      color_map
>      {
>        [0.0    0.1          color red 1.2 green 1.2 blue 1.2 color red 1.2
>green 1.2 blue 1.2]
>        [0.1   1.0-0.1   color red 1.2 color red 1.2]
>        [1.0-0.1  1.0          color red 1.2 green 1.2 blue 1.2 color red 1.2
>green 1.2 blue 1.2]
>      }
>    quick_color color red 1.2
>  }
>#declare Yaxis =
>  <0, -1e6, 0>, <0, 1e6, 0>, 0.05
>  pigment {
>    gradient y
>    color_map {
>      [0 0.1         color red 1.2 green 1.2 blue 1.2 color red 1.2 green 1.2
>blue 1.2]
>      [0.1 1-0.1  color green 1.2 color green 1.2]
>      [1-0.1 1       color red 1.2 green 1.2 blue 1.2 color red 1.2 green 1.2
>blue 1.2]
>    }
>    quick_color color green 1.2
>  }
>#declare Zaxis =
>cylinder {
>  <0, 0, -1e6>, <0, 0, 1e6>, 0.05
>  pigment {
>    gradient z
>    color_map {
>      [0 0.1         color red 1.2 green 1.2 blue 1.2 color red 1.2 green 1.2
>blue 1.2]
>      [0.1 1-0.1  color blue 1.2 color blue 1.2]
>      [1-0.1 1       color red 1.2 green 1.2 blue 1.2 color red 1.2 green 1.2
>blue 1.2]
>    }
>    quick_color color blue 1.2
>  }
>#declare Axis =
>  object { Xaxis }
>  object { Yaxis }
>  object { Zaxis }
>#declare UnitAxis =
>   object { Xaxis translate <0,-1,-1>}
>   object { Xaxis  translate <0,1,1>}
> object { Yaxis  translate <1,0,1>}
>   object { Yaxis  translate  <-1,0,-1>}
> object { Zaxis  translate <1,1,0>}
>   object { Zaxis translate <-1,-1,0>}
>// Show coordinate axes
>object {Xaxis}
>object {Yaxis}
>e-mail : tec### [at] khrimorjp
>home : http://www.kh.rim.or.jp/~techflux
>I Chuprov wrote:
>> I'm still having a little difficulty understanding the co-ordinate system in
>> POV-Ray.
>> I understand about the X, Y, Z axis and the left hand rotation thingy.
>> What I don't understand, is how to use the co-ordinate system to place
>> objects!
>> I'm always using trial and error to place objects, especially when I want to
>> centre the object (e.g. a text object).
>> Is there some easier way of placing objects??

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