'sor' and 'lathe' can be particular about their closing ends, basically
the idea is to kind of double-up on the end points (also make sure an
'open' keyword isn't in there) and using sturm might help in some cases
sor { 5 //change to 4 and comment out last <0,1> to see unclosed effect
<0,1> //here's the jist of it
//sturm //open
pigment {rgb 1}
rotate -30*x //30*x to see underside
// 4 X 3 window and white pointlight at camera position
#declare LCX = 0.0
#declare LCY = 0.0
#declare LCZ = -10.0 // (-6.32 = 4x3 view at <0,0,0> with angle 36)
light_source { <LCX,LCY,LCZ> color rgb <1.5,1.5,1.5>
location <LCX,LCY,LCZ>
angle 22.5 // angle 67 = direction 1
look_at <0, 0, 0>
Leroy Whetstone wrote:
> I'm a newbe to POV and have lots of fun learning it. My question is
> this: The SOR object don't want to close at the ends.Is this a bug? I
> made a simple object. At some angles the top seems close.Then just
> moving the camera a little it opens up. I realy like one test where half
> the hole shadows like closed and you could still see the hole.
omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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